
Compassionate Vet Surgeon in Bulli



At Northern Illawarra Veterinary Hospital, we prioritise the wellbeing of your furry companions, which involves responsible desexing—spaying for female pets and castrating for males. This routine surgery, performed under anaesthesia, brings essential health benefits, reducing cancer risks and behavioural issues. Optimal desexing age varies by breed and our expert team provides guidance. Post-surgery, we ensure a comfortable recovery with tips to keep pets calm, e-collars/surgical suits and engaging activities. Trust us to provide compassionate care for your pets throughout the desexing process.



Maintaining optimal dental health for pets is integral to their overall wellbeing as it directly impacts systemic health, particularly the heart and kidneys. Neglected dental hygiene can introduce harmful bacteria into the bloodstream, causing complications that extend beyond the oral cavity. Regular dental care including cleaning techniques such as dental chews, brushing and a balanced diet plays a crucial role in preventing the development of painful conditions like periodontal disease. Professional interventions such as scale and polish procedures are essential for removing plaque and tartar, while dental extractions are necessary in severe damage or infection cases. Additionally, dental X-rays are invaluable in providing a comprehensive assessment of a pet's oral health, aiding in accurate diagnoses and treatment planning. Altogether, proactive dental care not only ensures a pet's oral health but also safeguards its overall systemic wellbeing

Orthopaedic Surgical Procedures


Orthopaedic surgery in veterinary practice encompasses a range of procedures dedicated to addressing issues related to bones and joints. Veterinarians may perform intricate surgeries like cranial cruciate ligament repair with techniques such as Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) being standard to stabilise knee joints.

Fracture repairs are another crucial aspect involving the precise realignment and fixation of broken bones to facilitate proper healing. In cases of severe injuries or bone cancer, amputations might be recommended as a compassionate measure to alleviate pain and improve the pet's quality of life. Additionally, orthopaedic surgery extends to procedures like Medial Luxating Patella (MLP) corrections aimed at rectifying dislocated kneecaps. These surgical interventions play a pivotal role in restoring mobility, relieving pain and enhancing the overall musculoskeletal wellbeing of animals, ensuring they lead active and comfortable lives.

Veterinary orthopaedic surgeons employ advanced techniques and compassionate care to address a spectrum of orthopaedic issues in pets, promoting their long term health and vitality.

Some procedures need specialists - VSOS or SASH. This can sometimes be done within our clinic or may require referral to our specialist clinic.

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Soft Tissue Surgery

Our expertise extends to a comprehensive array of soft tissue surgeries designed to ensure the wellbeing of your beloved pets. Soft tissue surgery, covering procedures unrelated to bones, is a cornerstone of our veterinary services. From routine desexing to exploratory laparotomies investigating abdominal concerns, cesarean sections for safe deliveries and lump removals addressing potential tumours, we are dedicated to meeting your pet's unique medical needs.

Biopsies enable us to diagnose and treat abnormalities, while wound stitch ups and removing intestinal foreign bodies are routine interventions for injuries and digestive health. Our commitment to excellence extends to the extensive realm of soft tissue surgeries, allowing us to tailor our care to the specific requirements of each furry family member. Your pet's health is our priority and our skilled team is here to provide compassionate and expert soft tissue surgical interventions, ensuring a lifetime of wellbeing.


At Northern Illawarra Veterinary Hospital, we prioritise the comprehensive care of your pets including specialised ophthalmic services aimed at preserving and enhancing their eye health. Our team is well-versed in addressing the unique needs of various breeds prone to specific eye conditions, offering corrective procedures and ongoing medication to ensure optimal vision. 

Utilising cutting-edge equipment such as ophthalmoscopes and fluorescein, we conduct meticulous eye examinations, enabling us to identify and address issues promptly. Our diagnostic arsenal includes a tonometer for measuring eye pressure and the Schirmer tear test for evaluating dry eye conditions. Our range of ophthalmic surgeries encompasses essential procedures like enucleation for severe glaucoma or cancer cases, entropion and ectropion surgeries to correct eyelid abnormalities, and interventions for issues such as eyelid tumours, cherry eye and corneal ulcers. At Northern Illawarra Veterinary Hospital, we are dedicated to providing tailored and compassionate ophthalmic care, ensuring the visual wellbeing of your cherished companions.

Specialist referral may also be needed for more complex cases.

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Veterinary Diagnostic Services


X-rays allow the Northern Illawarra Veterinary Hospital team to easily locate and assess internal organs in the chest and abdomen, as well as assessing extremities such as front and hind limbs. This is a wonderful tool to aid the vet in diagnosing internal injuries and creating the perfect treatment plan for your pet—whether that means managing with medications or surgical intervention. Conditions affecting the bones that may be diagnosed using x-rays include:

  • Fractures
  • Spinal Problems
  • Bone Cancer
  • Dislocations
  • Osteoarthritis

We also use our x-ray machine to ensure orthopaedic surgeries have been successful or to monitor bone growth in young animals. Conditions affecting soft tissue structures that can be assessed with our x-ray machine include:

  • Heart enlargement
  • Constipation
  • Bladder stones
  • Kidney disease
  • Cancer
  • Stomach or intestinal foreign bodies
  • Chest & lung conditions (such as pneumonia or asthma)

At Northern Illawarra Vet Hospital, we are equipped with digital radiology equipment that automatically processes the images we take and displays them on the screen for us. Once these x-rays have been assessed, your vet can discuss your pet’s diagnosis and treatment plan.

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Ultrasound, Pathology & Cytology


With our in house portable ultrasound machine, we can view internal organs such as the:

  • Bladder
  • Heart
  • Kidney
  • Liver
  • Uterus
  • Spleen
  • Bowel
  • Prostate

As well as the surrounding tissue for any underlying conditions. Ultrasounds can also provide the most reliable form of pregnancy diagnosis for dogs and cats. Some organs require the expertise and specialised technology of a specialist ultrasonographer to image and assess. The adrenal glands and pancreas are two organs that may fall into this category. There is little to zero discomfort for your animal during these examinations, although areas of hair may have to be clipped and coupling jelly applied between the transducer and your pet’s skin. Sedation or general anaesthesia may be required in some cases to keep the patient still enough for a detailed examination. Our ultrasound machine is a wonderful diagnostic tool to aid in the diagnosis and treatment plans for our loved patients. 


Pathology at the Northern Illawarra Veterinary Hospital is pivotal in diagnosing pet internal issues through comprehensive blood work. Our veterinarians can conduct various diagnostic assessments crucial for establishing an accurate and rapid diagnosis by utilising standard laboratory tests such as blood tests, urinalysis, faecal tests and biopsy examinations. This becomes particularly vital in cases involving sick pets or those requiring immediate or emergency treatment.

Our in-house laboratory ensures swift results, often within minutes, thanks to advanced technology like Vetscan and Imagyst. These cutting-edge tools utilise artificial intelligence, enhancing the accuracy of our pathology assessments and providing our veterinarians with highly detailed reports for precise interpretation. When specialised tests are needed, our collaboration with external veterinary laboratories ensures thorough investigations, albeit with results that may take a bit longer to receive. Overall, our commitment to advanced pathology services enables us to chart a clearer pathway toward effective treatment plans for your beloved pets.


Cytology, a vital diagnostic tool at Northern Illawarra Veterinary Hospital, is primarily employed to investigate lumps and bumps on the body's surface but extends its utility to internal organs like the liver, lungs, lymph nodes and kidneys. It also assesses fluids and abnormal accumulations (effusions) in the chest abdomen and various body surfaces. Known for its simplicity, speed and non-invasiveness, cytology requires minimal equipment and often doesn't necessitate sedation. This cost-effective method usually provides definitive diagnoses swiftly. Even when a conclusive diagnosis is elusive, the categorisation offered by cytology guides veterinarians at the hospital in determining next steps for a definitive diagnosis and appropriate treatment plans.

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